The Secret Teachings 6/24/18 – Blaming Responsibility, False Accusations & Dismantling Superiority (Sunday)

Many of us have a tendency to blame inanimate objects for things that may cause harm. No matter if there is a warning on a particular item, or if we should have used common sense, not to place our hand on a hot burner or let our three year old run around an unsupervised pool, ultimately the blame for a burnt hand or the drowning of a child will be placed on the stove and the pool.

Ego and upbringings with little focus on responsibility, have resulted in millions of people conditioned to externalize all blame for their faults, and furthermore, to do so by assigning responsibility for their own mistakes on material objects.

Guns do kill; fire burns; water can drown; rock can cut; air can suffocate; and electricity can shock. Is it ever the fault of the elements or man-made devices used for offense or defense, or methods for powering machinery and homes?

It is not the fault of any inanimate object, but the fault of the individual paying little attention, blundering through a dangerous situation, or being completely oblivious to dangers. A stove does not intend to burn your skin or your food. But if you are not aware it can and will do both. We blame drugs, cars, and even Ouija boards for overdoses, wrecks and strange occurrences, but the operator is responsible.

Within this culture of placing blame on inanimate objects the theme of accusation as authority is beginning to take precedence. Accusations without evidence or details are made in blanket statements of sexual harassment in particular, but also includes claims of sexism or racism. Most claims themselves are the result of racism or sexism, a sense of self-deserving entitlement by every sex and race. These accusations then become authority with no proof or evidence needed to support such a claim. Because of this certain races and sexes are able to make blanket claims with no proof and the media parrots these claims as a form of social justice. When no evidence is provided or the claim is proven false, or entirely made-up, little coverage is then issued to the same story.

This leads to a development in baseless accusations that ruin people’s reputations, lives and careers, the very epitome of slander, that are accepted because of the prejudice against men or whites, etc. It creates a culture of racism, sexism and all other isms. It justifies the injustices of true racism and discrimination. It detracts from those same true cases of discrimination with everyone entitled to get their own reparations for false stories.

We find at the core of those baseless claims and the proclivity to blame inanimate objects an unwillingness to take responsibly. There is an incredible lack of perspective relating to these matters and massive movements aimed at obtaining equality. But heres the thing, we already have equality. Any push to create “equality” is an artificial equality that creates inequality in its truest form; a so-called equality where certain groups receive special privileges and social benefits, even relating to law.

Yet “Jews are considered the master race”, “male entitlement is accused of being responsible for all violence”, black people cannot be racist and news anchors are being found guilty over making statements about Palestinian children being killed by the Israeli government.

There has developed this increasingly strange hysteria over “nazis,” neo-nazis, and fascists. Soccer fans receive five year ban for making a “nazi salute” or what was also called “anti semitic gestures” during the world cup. The singer Shakira is also socially in trouble because of a necklace used to market her world tour – it contained an image of the black sun. Its obvious the violent tendencies and hysterical antics of Antifa or other groups in action in “defense” of the abused, whoever that might be – typically Jews. This same hysteria, in relation to Nazis and Hitler is being demonstrated at the boarder where protesters scream and hyperventilate over buses of illegal immigrants being moved.

We have seen several stories litter news cycles with a black woman claiming she was harassed for “swimming while black;” another of a white woman calling the police for black people barbecuing; and yet another on a white woman calling police because a little black girl was selling water without a permit.

This hysteria over racism is creating a culture of racism. It is an artificial hysteria cultivated by news cycles that are the result of corporate news agencies directing reporters to publish stories of what is considered blatant racism. This culture is creating an environment where everyone is a victim; everyone is guilty; and no one wishes to take responsibility. Even ice cream is being called racist with the company blue bell receiving criticism for their “great divide” chocolate and vanilla mix.

But….amongst this hysteria we need to recognize that few people are truly racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Transgender people make up less than 1% of the population in the US, a total of .2-.3% and yet most would think that only 1% is not transgender. Homosexuality is much the same. Even the Huffington post is running promotion that “future is queer.

As the Scottish history professor, Alexander Tyler, from the University of Edinborough, wrote:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”

This public treasurer is not just a matter of money, but of social privileges, discriminatory laws, forced apologies over free speech, and the like. If we  are truly concerned with discrimination and prejudice, stereotypes and racism or sexism, we should define these words and address these facts:

Black people do not own slavery; Jews do not own the holocaust or suffering; Gays to not own sexual discrimination or the rainbow; Women do not own victimhood of domestic abuse or spousal abuse; Men do not own stupidity; Islam does not own radicalism; Christianity does not own prejudices; and UFOs are not always alien spacecraft.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

Sexism: prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

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