The Secret Teachings 9/24/17 – From N. Korea with Love / Inverted Priorities (NEW Sunday)


The policy for “Rebuilding of America’s Defenses” was laid out in document published in 2000 titled the “Project for the New American Century.” It stated the following about a series of countries that “could,” not that do, pose a threat to the stability of power held by the United States:

“We cannot allow North Korea, Iran, Iraq or similar states to undermine American leadership, intimidate American allies or threaten the American homeland itself.”

“That is why, according to the CIA, a number of regimes deeply hostile to America – North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria – “already have or are developing ballistic missiles” that could threaten U.S allies and forces abroad. And one, North Korea, is on the verge of deploying missiles that can hit the American homeland.”

It is made very clear that along with Iraq, Libya, and Syria, Iran and North Korea pose apparent threats, and should be dealt with pre-empitvley through military action before they act to inflict harm. The west has repeatedly demanded the abandonment of North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs out of fear these weapons will be used against a hated United States and other allies.

Rarely is the question asked: why is the United States and allies so detested? Does North Korea have every right to build up defenses in response to policies that explicitly state their guilt and subsequent planned annihilation?

The Chinese already offered an arbitrating peace deal, that if the North Koreans gave up their missile development, the US would stop bombing raid scenarios aimed at destroying the entire country.Barack Obama refused this agreement twice, and now with the help of people like Henry Kissinger, President Donald Trump has denied this resolution, pledging to act in defense by saying out offensive attacks upon the country. Yet North Korea agreed to this resolution, to the very terms the US demands, and yet the US denied the resolution…why?

If the North Koreans offered to give up their missile program, supposedly what the United States wants, why did the government refuse this deal? Could it be because war is the ultimate goal? Could North Korea be next for a regime change as part of a larger agenda aimed at global conflict with China, as Iran is to Russia? Maybe North Korea is using their missile program to protect themselves, due to the fact that the last country that gave up all of their weapons was leveled by NATO and the United States, and their leader was dragged through the streets and murdered on television. Maybe it’s because North Korea doesn’t have a central bank?


We will discuss business, law enforcement, sports, etc., attempting to understand how these worlds of the status quo and official narratives work in maintaining a system of compartmentalization and plausible deniability.

Like the observations of nature through myth, philosophy, magic and science, in determine the mathematical codes that are the fundamental basis of our reality, it is necessary to not complain, but observe the former so that we may have perspective in order to invoke change through our decisions.

This is empowering and through peaceful non-compliance we remove ourselves from the system and then further from the feeling of missing out on what the system offers. We all can do things to make a difference and we all have that power if we grant it to ourselves rather than others.


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