The Secret Teachings 5/23/18 – AINTarctica, Planet Nein & Pluto (Wednesday)

I think it’s healthy and necessary to question all that we think we know. It seems to be part of human nature to not only question, but to probe into the unknown and search for answers about our own existence; searching for answers about the possible existence of “other” life elsewhere, in and our beyond solar system and even dimension. As interest has grown in these subjects, there are those with various motivations, conscious or otherwise, that exploit the genuine curiosity and intrigue of human beings for special interests by taking credible information and building upon it with nonsense; by  concocting outlandish stories with no proof except by the faith of the individual divulging so-called “secret” information as a whistleblower with “sources.” These people may have been legitimate researchers, meaning they were once objective, and then recognized the financial and egotistic profit in using sensationalism to advance a story, or they could be entirely dishonest, always using public interest to directly benefit themselves, or they could have motivation further to use interest in such fascinating subjects to lead astray and manipulate for more conspiratorial means. This is why the story of aliens benefited Area 51 as an installation for so many decades while highly advanced technologies were being developed. Not only was the existence of the base never acknowledged officially, bu any proof would be scoffed at as a conspiracy to conceal alien life. Wright Paterson AFB and various National Laboratories, including the entire aerospace industry likewise is associated with alien visitation, advanced technology derived from the former, and a secret space program.

Within the past few years there have been videos, articles, and exaggerated claims made about Antarctica; that there are the remains of ancient civilizations, alien bases, crashed UFO’s and more. But this is nothing new seeing that for decades there have been claims of German (national socialist) bases in Antarctica, flying saucers and the related Operation Highjump in 1947.

The story goes that this expedition was supposedly for scientific purposes, but military squads were also sent to include an aircraft carrier, submarine, dozens of helicopters and airplanes, surface ships and 4,000 armed Navy soldiers. Supposedly the military made a retreat after a losing battle on February 26th, 1947. Upon returning to the U.S., the leader of the expedition, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, testified to congress that the enemies had he ability to “fly pole to pole with incredible speed,” and that they possessed “strange flying saucers.” The rest of Operation HIGHJUMP remains classified today, according to some, but there is little evidence official or otherwise of its legitimacy at all… And herein lies one of several problems.

The Germans, likely with other countries, developed flying discs, but there is little evidence to suggest they became much more than experiments, as opposed to a fleet of intercontinental fighting craft. There were several German U-Boats that went missing after the end of WWII, one in particular delivering nuclear material, and perhaps bombs, to the United States in exchange for pardons for certain high level officials, but little evidence that more than perhaps an expedition reached Antarctica, or what some called “New Berlin” and Neuschwabenland. So here we have more evidence-based claims, minus sensationalism such as the Germans were assisted by aliens, that are associated with exaggerated stories and totally made-up nonsense.

Therefore to suggest that Antarctica is a haven for alien bases, crashed UFOs, blue avians, orbs, Nazis, Hitler’s secret bases, etc., is to give these claims credibility based on loose-evidence of a forgotten government operation and faith in believing something because it is mysterious. Herein lies another problem, Antarctica is totally remote and uninhabitable to most, making it a perfect location to use in sensationalized stories and claims, because who has the ability to travel to this location and determine if the claims are true? Therefore we rely by faith and the fallacy known as an “Appeal to Authority” in order to obtain information about a subject that is as much a fantasy as it is mysterious.

The story becomes even more interesting when we find that over 3,5000 species have discovered in Lake Vostok, underneath miles of ice in conditions similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa and some 100 million years ago, Antarctica is known to have been tropical. The subject of Antarctica to the casual observer is then either believed or dismissed by reflex when the subject is mentioned. So if there have been 3,500 species discovered at Lake Vostok in similar conditions to another planetary body this information will be dismissed or determined to be wrong because it is associated with stories of Nazis and blue avians. The fact that Antarctica was tropical at one point in the past provides information that is exploited as evidence to reinforce claims of secret bases, aliens and crashed space ships.

Rather than dismissing the subject or accepting every detail on faith, would it not make more sense to acknowledge the possibility that, amongst all else, if there is anything interesting in Antarctica, beyond scientific curiosities of life, remains of an ancient human civilization may exist beneath the ice? Wouldn’t it be more plausible that claims of government officials visiting Antarctica are to examine Lake Vostok rather than “secret Nazi UFO bases,” as was claimed of John Kerry?

Amongst talk about Antarctica in recent years, there have been extracted small stories from the past that seemed to have no relevance at the time, and are now used as additional proof of claims about the mysterious that few if anyone on the planet can investigate. In 2012-2013 there were reports of  a Pyramid in Antarctica, something covered on this radio broadcast as an interesting story and nothing more. No fan club was created, we didn’t attract tens of thousands of dollars in donations by claiming we are whistle-blowers, and nobody asked me to speak at a conference. Now the story is being used as proof of aliens and UFOs, while reaping massive financial benefits, all because an interesting story, somewhat based on reason, was turned into a movie-like exaggeration of facts.

We see the same tactics used by members of, and believers in, the “flat earth” movement, galactic alien councils, pizza gate, alien channelers, and the infamous Planet X. Take credible information and either 1) utilize it as a base to make otherwise baseless claims that are now to believed based on the evidence taken out of context, or 2) exaggerate the credible information without making additional claims in order to obtain credibility. It’s not that aliens or stories of secret bases are not interesting, they are, but rather than focusing all of our attention on “claims” perhaps we should look at evidence.

This analysis can be seen as either pro or anti the subject of extraterrestrial life, but it is neither and both. If you want aliens you may very well find them in Antarctica, but as a microcosm in Lake Vostok that may provide evidence for life in the macrocosm on other planets! The fact that Antarctica was tropical 100 million years ago may provide data that there are remains of an ancient civilization buried beneath the ice. By taking this approach, we are not dismissing the existence of aliens, nor supporting claims of blue avians. We are not dismissing ancient advanced civilizations or supporting their possible existence. We are being objective and balanced in our approach using both science and skeptical questioning techniques inspired by the mystery of such subjects.

I don’t know if there are blue avians, crashed UFOs, alien bases, Nazi laboratories, inorganic pyramids, etc., but from what we do know it can be determined three things; 1) the conditions for life exist everywhere and life comes in many forms. Lake Vostok provides data that alien-life may exist, by scientific standards, beyond our planet. 2) If Antarctica was tropical 100 million years ago then it is possible that an advanced human civilization remains buried beneath the ice. AND 3) Being too ready and willing to accept anything as proof of what we want to believe leaves us vulnerable and at the mercy of those that intentionally deceive for profit, or those who are truly delusional and believe everything they claim.

While interest has grown in Antarctica recently, there has been a renewed interested by mainstream media even in the subject of what is referred to as Planet X, the 12th planet, Nibiru, etc.

Planet (X) = Unknown

Planet (X) = Ten (9 planets)

9 Planets + Sun & Moon = 11 Planets (x becomes the 12th Planet. including the Sun & Moon)

Without Pluto, there are 8 planets, and x becomes Planet 9

Researchers like William Beattie in his book Ancient Etymological Correlatives – The Gateway to Knowledge, describes Nibiru in a different manner. He states that the Sumerian word “Na Ba Ru” (Nibiru) comes from the words “aa’bara” meaning “to cross,” and the word “naa’bara,” which means “we cross.” The Sumerian word “Na Ba Ru” can also be translated as “the moving light gate.” William also contends that Nibiru may not even be a planet at all. Instead, the term may refer to “interplanetary travel,” like a “star gate.”

Pluto was demoted as a “planet” some years ago making the number of planets in our solar system 8, and when adding the sun and moon, there would be ten, further demoting the 12th planet to the 11th. Without the sun and moon, Planet X (# 10) would be demoted to the ninth planet. This confusion seems to be intentional in order to sway our attention away from “something.” What is the this “something” is a matter of debate, but there is a fine line between believing Pluto was demoted to interfere some Eric Von Daniken fantasy and believing that sound objective science was at work. Now as interest seems to be renewed in the subject of a “ghost planet” orbiting beyond the rings of our solar system, Pluto has been reinstated as a planet and the terminology typically used for Planet X has changed.

Pluto was demoted in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union in an attempt to redefine the word “planet,” which are typically those worlds large enough to have pulled themselves into a ball by the strength of their own gravity.

Live Science: Scientists from Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland are using old scrolls and tapestries to find Planet Nine. They estimate it would be 10 times the mass of Earth and orbit 20 times further from the sun than Neptune. They explicitly state that it is not “Nibiru, the completely fictional rogue planet that conspiracy theorists sometimes claim is about the destroy the earth.”

These researchers think Planet nine is out there because of gravitational forces at play in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune.

In any case, the fact is all forms of identifiable belief by any association is restricted to bias and subjective reasoning, with a search for evidence to narrowly fit a preconceived conclusion, rather than for evidence that will be allowed to alter original theories. This is the opposite of the scientific method and yet seems to be the very essence of what science has become, be it science denying the existence of aliens, bases or UFOs in Antarctica, a flat earth, etc., or those paying money to speakers so they can be entertained under the guise of education on a subject that few if any have the ability to determine legitimacy.

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