The Secret Teachings 11/5/16 – Clinton, Trump, Epstein, Occult Ritual Connection PT 1 (LIVE Saturday)

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wikileaks-email-from-bill-ivey-600Host Ryan Gable will be discussing in this two part broadcast the revealing Clinton emails that go beyond controlling the media and an effort to “demean government” and “conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry as seen in the emails to Clinton’s campaign Chair and Obama counselor John Podesta below. Clinton instructed her assistant without clearance to print classified material from her home computerJohn Podesta also has a collection of nude child artwork at his home according to the Washington Post.

 According to ‘insiders’ Hillary Clinton attended a Witch’s Church in California and spoke to the dead during seances, while refusing communication with Christ, although advised by her spiritual leader, during the 1990s. A book says Hillary talks with the dead through ‘imaginary conversations’. The FBI also says Hillary is the antiChrist personified while the NYPD blows the whistle on Hillary’s emails and Erik Prince, founder of blackwater says the NYPD is ready to make arrests in Weiner case. After the FBI reopened the case against Clinton due to new metadata on Anthony Wiener’s laptop, creating considerable panic by her campaign, just as quickly, the FBI confirmed their earlier conclusion that no criminal charges be placed. This in fact could have been the plan as it exonerates her of the more damning evidence released prior to the election and confirms in the masses her innocence.

Here you have John Podesta emails talking about children in hot tubs for entertainment:


Here another email referring to the Podesta friendship with convicted pedophile and former speaker of the house, Dennis ‘Denny’ Hastert’:


marinabarIt has also been revealed that invitations to John Podesta were received from the occultist Marina Abramovic to attend a ritual in NYC referred to as “Spirit Cooking;” a ritual supposedly including semen, blood and breast milk. Marina says this is simply artwork until it is performed in private, and accepting it as only ‘art’ mimics the ‘fake’ CERN human sacrifice from 2016. Believe it or not, these people believe that these ceremonies have power and they will kill, lie, etc., to perform and protect their beliefs.  Marina was also invited to Clintons campaign launch, but declined because she was out of the country:




The ritual relates to the Eucharist and was popularized by Marina Abramovic, performed as both an artistic expression and religious ceremony. It has its origins in the “Cake of Light” sacrament from the Aleister Crowley founded religion of Thelma. The difference is in the ingredients as Crowley’s version included oil, honey and menstrual blood. Pig’s blood is used to connect to the spirit world through the material to convert matter into energy for spirits to feed on. This is similar to stories of parasitic creatures that feed off of human suffering and ‘dark’ energy such as vampires, reptilians (category) and demons, that which stems from the Greek word ‘Daemon’ meaning Divine Being.

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screen-shot-2016-11-10-at-2-05-40-pmAbove you can see the usage of the one eye symbolism and the horns of Saturn, commonly referred to as the ‘Devil Horns’ or head of Baphomet, an androgynous creatures representing the concept of duality in nature, rather than actual devil worship. Here are some examples of these horns, also representing the horns of Venus or Lucifer, the Morning Star thus further associated with the Pentagram, which is a symbol of witchcraft and has been made ‘evil’ by the Church. From my book The Persistent Illusion

“Many depictions of the goddess depict her with horns on her head and this relates to both the movements of Venus and the iconography of Satan. Venus traces a pattern in the heavens every eight years, rising in the western hemisphere for four years as the ‘evening star’ and then rising in the eastern hemisphere for four years as the ‘morning star’. This pattern is symbolic of horns when viewed from the Earth, especially by our very astute ancient ancestors.”


Marina is connected not only with political elite, but elite of the entertainment industry as well, including Jay-Z and Lady Gaga, whose music and videos are extremely ‘occult’ and ritually symbolic.

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Marina’s ritual mirrors Crowley’s but differs in the usage of breast milk, semen and blood rather than oils and honey. The usage of blood, human or animal, and other bodily fluid seems very morbid and even ‘satanic’ to many of us, but body fluid and even human flesh and bone has historically been used for medicinal purposes. This is referred to as Corpse Medicine and while denouncing the barbarians of North America, european elite were drinking blood and wearing or applying to their skin, human fat, bone, blood, skin and even brains. This form of ‘medicine’ was a popular and backed by science, trade and education in Europe. It wasn’t applied during Medieval times but was openly popular until the 18th century among the wealthy and poor. So where do these body parts come form? Originally Egyptian tombs and European graves were robbed and at one point the biggest import from Ireland and Britain was human skulls. Could the procurement of children today be part of this same ‘trade’, although not for medicinal purposes?

According to a 16th Century Alchemical text written by the alchemist Paracelsus, and commented on by mystic Arthur Edward Waite, it is possible to summon or create ‘monsters’, creatures with no parents, from purification using the above mentioned ingredients. The process requiring putting sperm into putrefying ‘venter equinus’ – horse manure or rather ‘venter’ refers to abdomen or uterus:

“But as you have already heard that many and various things are generated and quickened out of putrefaction, so you should know that from different herbs, by a process of putrefaction, animals are produced, as those who have experience of such matters are aware. Here, too, you should learn that such animals as are produced in and by putrefaction do all of them contain some poison and are venomous ; but one contains far more and more potent virus than another, and one is in one form, another in another, as you see in the case of serpents, toads, frogs, basilisks, spiders, bees, ants, and many worms, such as canker-worms, in locusts, and other creatures, all of which are produced out of putrefaction. For many monsters are produced amongst animals. There are those monsters, too, which are not produced by putrefaction, but are made by art in the glass, as has been said, since they often appear in very wonderful form and horrible aspect ; frequently, for instance, with many heads, many feet, or many tails, and of diverse colours ; sometimes worms with fishes’ tails or birds’ wings, and other unwonted shapes, the like of which one had never before seen. It is not, therefore, only animals which have no parents, or are born from parents unlike themselves, that are called monsters, but those which are produced in other ways.”

“For the basilisk is produced and grows from the chief impurity of a woman, namely, from the menstrual blood. So, too, from the blood of the semen ; if it be placed in a glass receptacle and allowed to putrefy in horse dung, from that putrefaction a basilisk is produced.”

Philosophers have argued weather it was possible to, “combine Nature and Art, that a man should be begotten without the female body and the natural womb. I answer hereto, that this is in no way opposed to Spagyric Art and to Nature, nay, that it is perfectly possible. In order to accomplish it, you must proceed thus. Let the semen of a man putrefy by itself in a sealed CuCurBita with the highest putrefaction of the venter equinus (This is usually translated as “horse manure,” but the Latin “venter” means abdomen or uterus) for forty days, or until it begins at last to live, move, and be agitated, which can easily be seen. After this time it will be in some degree like a human being, but, nevertheless, transparent and without body. If now, after this, it be every day nourished and fed cautiously and prudently with the arcanum of human blood, and kept for forty weeks in the perpetual and equal heat of a venter equinus, it becomes, thenceforth a true and living infant, having all the members of a child that is born from a woman, but much smaller.

“As by Art they acquire their life, by Art acquire their body, flesh, bones and blood, and are born by Art, therefore Art is incorporated in them and born with them, and there is no need for them to learn, but others are compelled to learn from them, since they are sprung from Art and live by it, as a rose or a flower in a garden, and are called the children of the wood-sprites and the nymphs, because in their virtue they are not like men, but like spirits.”

Is it possible that these rituals are intended not to connect to the spirit world for any other purpose than to summon an energy to manifest in our lower- selves for material power like the black magicians and sorcery of old? Here you can see Marina in a ‘Spirit Cooking’ session painting a strange statue and also the words written on the wall referring to a cut finger, which John Podesta coincidentally contacted a doctor about:

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Blood and semen are highly powerful substance that contain the ‘essence of life’ and the ‘seed of life’ in their form. They are therefore powerful in summoning energy to ‘do your bidding’. By mixing them with breast milk, you are nurturing the energies being attracted to this ritual. Is this ritual, and others like it, part of a summoning or conjuring of spirits to attract or maintain power?

Menstrual blood is described in my book The Persistent Illusion thus:

“Blood, especially female menstrual blood, is highly considered to hold the ‘life force’ of an individual because it comes from the harbinger of offspring. Menstrual blood is known as Soma in India and Ambrosia in Greece. It is also known by the name Star Fire and the female lunar essence since the female menstrual cycle is ruled by the cycles of the moon.”

“Virgin menstrual blood is considered the purest essence and is consumed in some rituals, sometimes as a means of atonement. Virgins will typically be depicted in white robes, signifying purity, as were the vestal virgins in Rome who took a vow of chastity and helped to maintain the sacred fire on the altar of the goddess. These ‘virgins’ can also be ‘pure’ children or animals. This purity of life-essence is not only used as part of a sorcerer’s possible blood pact with a demon, in exchange for its services but historically as a way to repent for your sins. Those openly honoring the spirit of Saturn (Black Sun) believe abortions and child sacrifices are essential to their beliefs. As a birth by conception is the ‘greatest gift from God’, an abortion of sacrifice of that gift is the ‘greatest insult to God’.”

981013_6076462Some will recall the founder of this ‘Cake of Light’ sacrament, Alister Crowley, famously attempted to summon the scarlet woman, Lilith, otherwise known as the ‘Holy Guardian Angel’. Lilith is recounted in my book The Persistent Illusion:

“Lilith, as a powerful woman, was condemned as the goddess of abortion who drank the blood of infants and extracted sperm from men while they slept. This is what women, including those seen as ‘witches’, were associated with because of their creative, divine, life-giving ability; and therefore they were looked down upon by man and the Church, who was jealous and fearful of this quality due to the fact ‘god’ was seen as the creator.”

Tree groves are famous for their ritual-orientation since fresh oxygen expressed by trees supposedly makes spilt blood more potent in rituals. The following account is take from my book The Grand Illusion about Lilith, Owls and Bohemian Grove. It will thus explain the significance of Jeffrey Epstein’s owl statue on his island compound and the one at the Bohemian Grove:

“These tree groves were said to be her most ‘sacred’ place and remind me of the Bohemian Grove in Sonoma, California, where the god/goddess Moloch is worshiped. Moloch is the owl and is just another representation of the goddess Lilith who was depicted between two owls guarding the underworld just as Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is accompanied by an owl. She is also known as Minerva, and the original Bavarian Illuminati initiates would wear Pendants of Minerva, which depicted the Minerva Owls, as they were initiates of Minerva, Athena, or Wisdom.”

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The blue and white cube with golden dome on Epstein’s island is reminiscent of the magic square or cube of Saturn which adds to 666. A storm on the North pole of Saturn moves in the shape of a hexagon, and when geometrically viewed in 3D is a cube as is the cross when folded into the same geometric shape. The cross is also the astrological symbol of Saturn as is the goat Capricorn, thus the origins of the ‘devil horns’ – recall the goat-god Pan. The cube represents the four corners of the Earth, four winds, and four elements of the material world and Saturn is the spirit of material creation. Saturn allows material to form and acts as a necessary ‘evil’ and force of opposition. The cube is utilized as a sacred symbol not just in Christianity, but in Islam as the Kaaba, and the Tefillin worn by the Jews. The cube was also the perfect form in that of the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple and as a temple to fire gods seen in modern Azerbaijan.

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 The Magic Square of Saturn has three columns and three rows all adding to the number 15. In numerology the number 15 equals 6 and therefore the square is equated to 666. This number is the ‘mark of the beast’, which relates to Satan or Saturn.

These ‘cubes’ are also important to ‘bring life’ to the universe in movies like Transformers in the AllSpark, the Borg from Star Trek, Hitchhiker’s  Guide to the Galaxy, and the Tesseract from Marvel.


But why use blood other than an archaic belief about ‘life-force’ and its usage in bloodletting by medical doctors to cure disease or in corpse medicine to prolong life? How about to rejuvenate your body and refresh your skin? As referred to in my book False Profits & the Lovers of Children

“The concept of eating the body and drinking blood is a practice from the most ancient times, and is only dressed up with the more widely accepted act of bread and wine to exotically replace the tradition of blood drinking and cannibalism. In John 6:53 we read that, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Since blood contains the life force of a person, by consuming it certain parts of the body should be rejuvenated and it could perhaps even prolong or suspend the aging process. In fact, even the New York Times ran a story in May of 2014 with a headline reading ‘Young Blood May Hold Key to Reversing Aging’. The article said that scientist from the Stanford University School of Medicine have shown “that blood form young mice reverses aging in old mice, rejuvenating their muscles and brains.” So by consuming blood literally, or by bathing in it as Countess Elizabeth Bathory of Hungary, because she believed the blood rejuvenated her skin, in theory, and practice, you can obtain a longer life. Therefore when Jesus alludes do the drinking of blood to obtain eternal life; here we have the origins of these esoteric texts dressed up in a more accepted context. Some of the concepts of drinking blood or wine are symbolic, and others are literal. Practitioners or Chinese medicine say that chi, the life force, was made more potent by fresh oxygen and this could be a main reason that tree groves associated with the goddess of hunting, nature, etc., were chosen as key locations for ritual sacrifice. Virgin menstrual blood is supposed to be considered the most purest essence and is consumed in some rituals. Virgins will typically be depicted in white robes, signifying purity, as were the vestal virgins in Rome who took a vowel of chastity and helped to maintain the sacred fire on the altar of the goddess.”

Manly P. Hall writes of grapes that, “The juice of the grape was thought by the Egyptians to resemble human blood more closely than did any other substance. In fact, they believed that the grape secured its life from the blood of the dead who had been buried in the Earth.” Ancients also explained the intoxicating results of drinking quantities of alcohol as the reason for a man becoming dizzy and mad. Hall further adds how ancient cultures believed grapes “first sprung out of the earth after it was fattened with the carcasses of those who fell in the wars against the god.” This intoxication is reminiscent of the drugs used in many of the Mysteries to invoke spiritual experiences or to divinate the future, which is what I believe some of these rituals are about.

 How do we interpret these documented revelations through conventional thought and more SELF-aware thought? 

How do we define the intention of a witch or occultist, or of an occult ritual all too often associated with the dEVIL? 

Are these men and women ‘evil’ practitioners of ‘dark magic’ or do they simply consult with practitioners – then are these practitioners themselves ‘evil’ or attempting to control matter; or is this about spiritual communications like divination? 

How much of this is grossly misunderstood and greatly exaggerated or sensationalized by an ignorant profane?

Bill Clinton is also a practitioner of Voodoo as he attended a ritual in Haiti in the 1990s prior to election in 1992 and again to assure reelection later on. Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln are also widely believed to have been practitioners of magical ceremonies also performing seances and communications with the dead in the White House. Some will recall the Bush involvement in coffin rituals with string and their genitalia at Skull & Bones, while others remember James Cameron putting his penis in the mouth of a pig as part of a ritual. How about former, longest acting speaker of the House, Denise Hastert; Bill Cosby, Jimmy Savile, Jerry Sandusky, Jared Fogle and (notice Js – Jeffrey Epstein and Jeffrey’s friend Alan Dershowitz who also supposedly raped a girl procured for the billionaire), along with the Elijah Wood revelation about Hollywood predators. Remember also Peter Thiel, technology investor, is researching therapies for life-extension using young people’s blood. Royals also have a history of drinking blood and eating flesh. How about the ‘fake’ human sacrifice ritual at CERN or the extensive usage of these types of symbolisms in movie, television and music videos? Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez shakes her ass, Miley Cyrus rides a fake dildo, Katie Perry votes naked and Madonna offers blowjobs to Hillary voters. A rally on November 5th for Clinton featured Jay Z and Beyonce, who performed the song ‘Formation’ with lyrics such as:

‘When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay
If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, cause I slay
Drop him off at the mall, let him buy some J’s, let him shop up, cause I slay
I might get your song played on the radio station, cause I slay
I might get your song played on the radio station, cause I slay
You just might be a black Bill Gates in the making, cause I slay
I just might be a black Bill Gates in the making’ 

screen-shot-2016-11-10-at-2-29-35-pmThis makes women feel empowered as Clinton supporters claim is their aim; the empowerment of woman and the ceasing of discrimination? Its typical promotion of justice, equality, peace and love by espousing injustice, inequality, war and hate. All this promotion of peace while Clinton and her campaign refers to blacks as super-predators, whites as deplorable, Latinos as needy and while calling outreach to those communities in particular a “taco bowl engagement.”


Bill Clinton and many other powerful men and women, including Hillary Clintons running opponent in the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump, are also documented as attendees and friends of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Other friends included Barbara Walter, Alex Baldwin and Mick Jagger. Neither Trump nor 

screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-4-33-20-pmClinton have ‘slung mud’ over each others’ involvement with Jeffrey at his private estate in the Caribbean or others around the world because both are involved and in fact according to Epstein’s brother, Trump flew on Epstein’s plane at least once according to Epstein’s brother. Not to mention Trump referred to Jeffrey as ‘terrific guy’ and admitted his obsession for younger sided women:

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy…He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” – Donald Trump

 Epstein, who kept a diary of underage victims, allowed for Bill Clinton to take flights on his private plane to “Orgy Island” where girls were kept as sex slaves, including his Florida home where Virginia Roberts was was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew. Epstein, whose victim list surpass 40 underage girls molested multiple times a day, also reportedly helped co-found the Clinton foundation, which is rampant with theft and corruption.

Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin is also her reported ‘lover’. She is also the possible ‘show-wife’ of former congressman Anthony Weiner, who is under investigation for child pornography and sexting of underage girls. Weiner’s laptop not only contains information in this ongoing investigation relating to Clinton’s emails, but might reveal a larger network involving the trafficking of children. 

A secret code, supposedly discovered by Mike Cernovich was found in the WikiLeaks emails, but no future information has been revealed – CAUTION – although these networks exist, let us not lose sight of what we do have proof of. Separately, the codeword “VIRGIN” is meant to signify a child more often, rather than a girl in white robes, but not necessarily the usage of words like hotdog or ice-cream. WikiLeaks has positively released information that Huma Abedin forward articles about New Life Children’s Refuge to Clinton, the NGO that included Laura Silsby, jailed for six months after attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti to the Dominican Republic after the 2010 earthquake – she was let off by the Clintons. Wikileaks has published emails purporting to show the actual discussion of funds for the trafficking of children.

Codewords are typically used in situation where illegal activities are carried out in order to maintain plausible deniability, and one email from the Georgetown Law announcements board to Clinton Campaign shows exactly this type of coding. As benign as the email seems upon the first reading, the selling of 480 ‘beanie babies’ at nearly double or triple what a beanie baby sells for online is a bit suspicious especially considering how the toys are described as being “very respectful and amicable with one another, and they are (for the most part) cat and dog friendly. Some are sassier than others, naturally.” Even the photograph attached in the email was a common stock photo found on the internet.

This is highly likely a code for a certain ‘lot’ of trafficked persons referring to age, race, gender, background and how quickly these ‘beanies’ need to be moved:


Another email indicates that Obama spent nearly $65,000 on flying in ‘hotdogs’ from Chicago:


These revelations and possible revelations. are only partially exposing the worldwide network of child traffickers and, for lack of a better term, Satanic cults that dominate media, business, politics, and academia of Church and State, involving some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential persons. This is not about classified documents being mishandled, it is much deeper and darker.

Click HERE to see an archive of Hillary Clinton’s lies, fraud, funding of terrorists and murder.

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