The Technological Elixir

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Book Overview

(6 x 9  — 750 pages of content)

Technology is both a tool and potential weapon. This book will take you from the titled-concept of ‘The Technological Elixir’ on a journey through the ethics and theological dogma of contemporary science and engineering. Despite the anti-life equation which positions everything from children to carbon dioxide as dangerous, our analysis here will demonstrate that life is much grander and beautiful than we suspect. From synthetic life and artificial wombs, to the suicidal attempt to replace god, a scientific-bio-medical-technocracy clearly sees Creation as faulty and God as imperfect. Yet, if this is the case, how can an imperfect man create what an imperfect God cannot? 

From “smart” technology to the reality of trans-humanism and post-humanism, ‘The Technological Elixir’ provides countless references for confirmation of what is clearly an anti-human agenda attempting to create a totally authoritarian control grid and digital sub-reality. 

In this new edition you will learn about the techno-beast and the human virus, and how the 2019-2023 ‘pandemic’, and ‘climate change’, are identical in their employed narratives – from zero-cases to zero-carbon – and agendas to reshape/reset civilization. 

In the final sections of this enormous work will be found an analysis of “smart dust,” black goo, and the influences of all manner of occult imagery in popular culture and the music industry in particular. The final chapter concludes with a look at UFOs, atomic bombs, new age cults, and the relationship between shamanism, fairies, and UFO abductions. 

The Technological Elixir promises us superhuman abilities but delivers subhuman realities. Is eternal physical life not eternal spiritual death?


 Jim Marrs – the late Journalist &

New York Times Best-Selling Author

If you are content to be one of the “Sheeple,” the under-educated, drugged and media-mesmerized majority of U.S. citizens, then move along. Nothing to see here. But if you are one of those who disdains the Idiocracy that has replaced the U.S. Republic, then you must have The Technological Elixir, Ryan Daniels’ extraordinary compendium of information necessary to make informed viewpoints. His depth of information, ranging from ancient lore and traditions to today’s toxic medicines and political conspiracies, is a must-have for both the newly-awakened and the savviest of researchers.

Clyde Lewis – Host of Ground Zero Radio

Ryan Gable is an exemplary example of how knowledge can be empowering.  Gable’s comprehensive approach to the occult shines a light on the dark corners of reality.  His information and revelations are more than capable of reversing the mental polarity in anyone and will have you kicking and screaming as he pulls you down that ever foreboding rabbit hole.


Kev Baker – Host of the Kev Baker Show

The late great scientist Albert Einstein once said… “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”. Einstein passed away in 1955, so one can only wonder just what he would make of the world today if he could see the technology of our time. From quantum computers tunnelling to unimaginable numbers of dimensions, to CERN colliding particles at near light speed to recreate the moments just after the theoretical big bang. Imagine trying to explain to him our advancements in the fields of artificial intelligence & the rise of synthetic life-like robots to the point where they are about to be working & living beside us. How would he react to our seemingly symbiotic relationship with the technology we have given rise to? To bring Einstien up to speed with where we are now in terms of technology would be a near impossible task & what he would think about our relationship our machines & gadgets today, who only knows? One person that I would point him in the direction of is Ryan Gable.Ryan has a vast knowledge & understanding of not only the technology that exists today & lays just around the corner, but what it all means for us moving forward into this new age of The Technium – The Seventh Kingdom Of Life.Ryan has put together one of the most comprehensive pieces of work that spans across all the advancements in science & technology that would provide Einstien, or anyone else for that matter, the complete picture of the Technium we ourselves have given birth to. Ryan displays a deeper understanding of not just the science & technology itselft, but how it all fits together & how it will impact us all.

This book truly is a masterpiece on a par with any of the cutting edge technology being produced today & gives you everything you need to know about the technology that is set to change the world as we know it forever.


Mark Devlin – Author of Musical Truth, Volumes 1 and 2

The mermaids of legend seduced sailors to their doom with the sweetest-sounding songs. And so it is with the relentless onslaught of Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence and the onset of the Smart Grid society, always marketed, (primarily to the easily suggestible youth,) on the basis of how “cool” it all is, and how much more convenience it can bring to our busy lives. There is an extremely dark and sinister side to the technology, however, which can be deduced by nothing more than examining the track record of those institutions who appear to be offering it to us so benevolently. These organisations are not generally known for their desire towards the upliftment and betterment of all humanity. Surveillance, enslavement and control is more their bag.

Fortunately, this aspect has not escaped the razor-sharp scrutiny of Ryan Gable, who here provides an impressively exhaustive overview of the ways in which weaponised technology is being rolled out across all areas of society, so often dressed up to appear seductive and sexy through its applications in popular culture. His insights provide essential reading for anyone seeking a firm grasp on what might just be the greatest threat to the continued wellbeing of humanity throughout its history.


Harald Kautz – Broadband scientist & Journalist

From all maladies humanity suffers from, only two seem to be substantial: the fear of death, and the fear of life. After a deep study of cause, symptoms and effects, even those two maladies eventually appear to be one and the same condition – the rejection of our spiritual nature, the decision to rather live in – or identify with – a mental representation of things than to flow with the moment as the immortal, complex spirit we are. Subsequently we evolved into a realm of consciousness that is based on very questionable columns: self-organized scarcity also known as our monetary system, the rejection of responsibility in self-organizing hierarchies and the recursive attempt to eliminate suffering by replacing life with technology. In this regard, we face a full-scale mechanization of life in expectance and acceptance of a world in which we solely function as bio-robots, following and forwarding orders, counting time against money while doing jobs.

These “achievements” of social engineering we willingly followed have grown into a cancerous entity we call world that today occupies close to 100% of our mind’s activity, and banned 95% of our spirit’s potential awareness and abilities into the subconsciousness. In such a world, we do not just tend to ignore our intuition, our feelings, our conscience, our heart-based will and creativity. This approach to reality protects itself even on the mental plane by eliminating the most disturbing as well as the best news by cognitive dissonance. This seems to be the nature of the mental dominance: The five percent of the best news must be too good to be true, and the worst five percent must be conspiracy theory. We automatically would ignore our looming self-destruction, as we today do ignore any cure of cancer discovered by laymen outside of the pharmaceutical industry. As a result, a gap developed between “the world we live in” and the actual reality. Over the years, this gap has grown into a deep valley a “normal” human consciousness hardly will cross without a feeling of complete loss of ground and control. Nevertheless, more and more humans risk this journey.

“The Technological Elixir” sheds light on the third aspect of the world we have created for ourselves: the recursive attempt to eliminate suffering by replacing life with technology. I have no clue how, but with “The Technological Elixir” Ryan Daniel Gable has found an access to this aspect of reality that does not stumble into the already existing gap created by our cognitive dissonance. He has found an access that is so well founded on referenceable facts, citable commitments of people, who are actually in responsibility, and knowledge anchored in our cultural domain that it builds a bridge for safe passage to understand the current technological development as the logical next steps in the context of the past achievements of social engineering. At the same time, it is tangible that he is well anchored in the big picture, in a deeply spiritual awareness of our current situation, in a way that places his point of view in a calm objectiveness far from fear porn or embarrassment-management.Maybe this is what it needs to re-enable humanity to make a number of heart-based, conscious decisions. How do we want to live in the future we create for ourselves? Whom do we let decide on our fate? How much responsibility do we consciously take for our future lives?


Leo Zagami – Author of Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66

We are going towards an age of uncertainty, of chaos, and at the same time embarking on a brand new adventure, through the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Robotics.  Something sinister is manifesting in our society that will change mankind in the coming years regardless of what we think, and not necessarily for the betterment of our species, as the more developed forms of AI seem to already dislike us when allowed to operate independently.  At the same time, just look at the excessive use of smartphones and video games by  newer generations, trapped in the dangers of Virtual Reality and, of course, the AI.         

If we don’t act immediately to save what is left of humanity before the AI takeover already prophecied in science fiction, we might truly end up in a never ending nightmare. Technology gives unlimited possibilities to modern man, but what is truly happening behind the scenes? And what is The Technological Elixir described by Ryan Gable? I just finished writing a book about The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics , and suddenly I find myself reviewing another challenging  work on this delicate subject, by my friend Ryan, who warns us that “The slow merging of man and machine is accelerating at a quiet yet aggressive pace.”

They call it Transhumanismand the believers in this sick philosophy want to obtain immortality at all costs. Ryan clearly explains this passage of his book: “Scientific promises of artificial intelligence, implantable microchips allowing for superhuman abilities, regardless of the initial medical benefits, and the singularity, promise that we can merge with machines to acquire eternal life.” All the above seems fine but in reality its just another form of Satanism that will put us in hands of Cyber Satan, after the implementation of the “Mark of the Beast,” being the microchipping of each person on earth. The entertainment industry as a whole unfortunately supports this, and Ryan gets deep into it as they all support what Ryan also defined as “His Infernal Majesty, or the devil.”

I met Ryan Gable a while back through his excellent show, “The Secret Teachings,” and I am glad he is now pursuing a writing career with books that bring a fresh new prospective to the table, respectful of tradition and accuracy in the research. Well done, Ryan. We need more young open-minded researchers like you in the field.

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