Liberty Shrugged

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Book Overview

(6×9  — 474 pages of content)

LIBERTY SHRUGGED is an unconventional and stunning look into the history of the United States Republic. This intensive overview intends to present the reader with a new perspective found otherwise only in bits and pieces elsewhere. On these pages are addressed the following and much more:

The Social Contract; Liberty; the history and dangers of Communism; Democracy v.s. Republic; a history of slavery worldwide; the Union Constitution v.s. the Confederate Constitution; the real cause(s) of the American Revolution (1775-1783); what sparked the American Civil War (1861-1865); the myth of party-swapping; how women fought in the American Revolution; how white people, alongside black people, worked to abolish slavery and fight for equality under the established law; how reparations were already distributed over one hundred years ago; how Blacks and Native Americans have been reduced to political caricatures in the name of social justice by modern day adherents of KKK-like ideology; how whites and blacks were lynched and terrorized for exercising their rights and attempting to take power from the proslavery Democratic party.

From 1619 to 1776, and from the 1860s until the present time, the United States of America has been and remains a beacon of liberty to humanity’s past, present, and future. Liberty is to be preserved only through effective Republican government, decentralization, fiduciary relationships between people and their representatives, an informed, educated, and moral citizenry, and a willingness to exercise Natural Rights in the face of tyranny in order to preserve the rule of law.


Leo Lyon Zagami, author of The Invisible Master

Liberty is something that you can only appreciate fully if you have lived under real oppression, or even persecution, as in my case, when I was forced to leave Italy by Socialist-controlled Europe’s surge in government restrictions on the freedom of expression over the past few years, which made my work as an investigative journalist and writer impossible, and at times even dangerous. I know it sounds crazy, as European Union (EU) member states consider themselves bulwarks of democracy and freedom of speech, and most Americans have a distorted and romanticized view of Italy and Europe, but that’s an illusion, and even the sleepy and naive Europeans are finally starting to realize that, especially after the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, their true nature was revealed, what I prefer to call the EU Fourth Reich.

Fortunately, I moved to America with my wife back in May 2019, and in 2023 I will be heading, God willing, towards becoming an American citizen, also thanks to Ryan Gable’s excellent book Liberty Shrugged. Ryan, who I’m honored to call a friend, was one of the first people I met after moving to the United States, and I always appreciated his work in his past books that show great knowledge in the esoteric field as well as an understanding of its complex implications in our day-to-day life. But as I told him many times, when he first sent me Liberty Shrugged, his fresh and honest take on American history, I was particularly happy because I could finally prepare for my 100 questions by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services with a book, not a simple “Study Guide,” that not only explains the origins of the current socio-economic problems facing America but also teaches us how to appreciate the most beautiful Constitution in the world step by step, as well as the Declaration of Independence. Of course, as Ryan points out, we are at risk of destroying everything because of political corruption and the constant lies of the mainstream media. Currently, authors like Ryan are still capable of writing and publishing books like Liberty Shrugged without being persecuted, or their books being burned. The Statue of Liberty’s torch continues to greet millions of hopeful immigrants and exiles like me, with her wonderful light, a torch that embodies hope and opportunity for people seeking a better life in the greatest country in the world.

Thank you, Ryan, and God Bless America!

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