The Secret Teachings 8/23/17 – Defaming & Exploiting History / Corporate Supremacy / Giants, Eclipses & Official Narratives w. Brad Olsen (LIVE Wednesday)

On this episode of the broadcast, Ryan will joined by author and researcher, Brad Olsen, and will be talking about the association between white supremacists, “nazis,” and the apparent hatred of “Jews.” We will be slightly touching on how recent demonstrations of “white supremacy” have been shifted to exploit Jews by claims that the violence was only against them. Millions are funneled into the Anti-Defamation League, which is intentionally established to suppress both hatred and documented fact. The observations made here are intended to be used as analytic tools for all information.

Another key point is the acknowledgement of violence promoted as revolution by communists, who throughout the same time period as “nazism” in Europe through the 1930-40s, killed millions more. Why are certain groups more important than others – why do six million mater more than nine million? Groups like Antifa, the “anti-fascists,” have their origins in violent protests against fascism in 1930s Germany, and act as fascists while condemning their opposition as fascists. Why are swastikas seen as more offensive than the hammer & sickle? Fascists and Communists have killed millions and there should be no justification for one and condemnation of another – arguments that act as if the death of one person is more important or significant than the death of another. We will see how “evidence” of antifa’s violence has been planted to be easily discredit.

Why are statues being removed, but the argument for this is that we have books. If statutes can be removed so can history in books! How about Margaret Sanger and Junipero Serra, why do they have statues that are untouched?

As all this unfolds we ignore the elitist and corporate supremacists that play people like a game of chess. Science & Religion both promise us enteral life and we will focus on this on the latter end of the show.

All of this, including industry propaganda promoting pesticides as good for your body and the environment, and how many people die each year from poor diet. Brad Olsen will be talking with us about Giants in the latter half of the show.

4pm EST / 3pm CST / 2pm MST / 1pm PST

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