The Secret Teachings 2/18/18 – George Orwell’s 21st Century (LIVE Sunday)

 From George Orwell’s dystopian  novel 1984 we acquire three famous quotes, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. These distortions and inversions of reality  is as accurate in the 21st-century as it was in the 20th,  well with increasing intensity so that unhealth has become health, any any quality has become a inequality has become equality, Fiction is now fact and consent is dissent. The rapid rise of artificial intelligence and robotics is being touted as the savior of mankind, but what exactly is mankind being saved from. There is constant concern over carbon dioxide, the oxygen of plants, but the real threat seems to be humanity itself. From the United Nations and Agenda 2030 to the Stanford Research Institute for Social Policy, human emotion and decision making has been cultivated and directed from inorganic sources. The direction for which society is being directed is literally set as a “goal” of the United Nations, from the excessive protests for women’s rights and gender to the reduction of human interaction with others. Unable to communicate, and further having their language reduced through texting, social media, etc., it becomes impossible to express distress or desire; all remaining feelings and thoughts are left up to authority and artificial intelligence (reducing the dictionary). Meanwhile, humans are unable to refer to each other as “he” or “she” that are designations left for AI robots like Sophia, who has also been granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia. Robots are also being used for sex, as humans become uninterested in living partners, and these will eventually be phased under some excuse so that sex almost becomes obsolete (elimination of the orgasm).

The UN speaks of  “inclusive institutions” which are being created under the ministries of Truth (lies), Peace (war), Plenty (artificially scarcity in a rigged economy) and Love (repression of truth by violence and enforcement of loyalty to the system). Their 17-Goals for sustainable include “gender equality” and “women’s rights,” which have absolutely nothing to do with sustainable agriculture. The stated goal of groups like the Rockefeller Foundation, Good Club or documents like Silent Weapons for Quite Wars is that “the family unit must be carefully disintegrated, and state-controlled public education and state-operated child-care centers must be become more common and legally enforced so as to begin the detachment of the child from the mother and father at an earlier age.”

Other statements and intended goals including an “attack the family unit” in order to obtain “control of the education of the young.”

“Create preoccupation” to “lower defense.”

“Give less cash and more credit” for “more self-indulgence and more data.”

“Attack the privacy of the church” to “Destroy faith in this sort of government.”

The United Nations also classified “education”  as a threat to sustainability. However education is merely systematic instruction, meaning that only some version of education is a threat, and requires what the UN and UNESCO call “reeducation.” The UN says that the educated spend more money and consume more resources, which is only true to the degree for which  they lack common sense and critical thinking, staples that are not taught in modern education institutions.   It is also very well-known that those with higher levels of intelligence have less children, and consume less resources overall, the public intended goal of global sustainability. So it seems that the United Nations does want an educated populace, but only one educated through their version of education, i.e. indoctrination.

The goal of self described elitists, with eugenics policies, is the eradication and subjugation of the proletariat. Their open agenda of genocide has been concealed, the Eugenics Quarterly becoming Social Biology and the Birth Control League becoming Planned Parenthood.

In order to reduce consent, eugenicists with policies aimed towards global genocide must find ways to eliminate national and individual sovereignty, and also destroy human biology and physiology through the proliferation of foods, medication and vaccinations, which cause sterility and infertility.  Even the biotech company Epicyte has engineered corn genetically with anti-bodies that kill sperm cells.

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