The Secret Teachings 12/18/16 – Secret Societies & Great Evils / Responsibility of Personal Health (LIVE Sunday)

12am EST / 11pm CST / 10pm MST / 9pm PST

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Host Ryan Gable will exploring three main subjects in this dissertation, using philosophy and metaphor, to explore Secret Societies and Mystery Schools. The metaphor of our bodies as temples is used to explain how we may build ourself through the proper use of tools given to us by the Grand Architect. If we do not use these tools properly they tear down our temple.

Then the discussion addresses the following questions within current events:

  1. Do diet products help you lose or gain weight? Are companies or individuals responsible for growing rates of disease? How are drug companies manipulating reality to present themselves as altruistic while deceiving the sick? How is industry destroying our concepts of health?

  2. Are companies and governments truly concerned about the spreading of disinformation or #FakeNews, or more concerned about that information not benefiting them? Is controlling the flow of information going to lead to more accurate information or merely artificial narratives that are protected from scrutiny?

  3. Does it matter more who is behind hackings or leaking evidence of criminal activity, or who is responsible for those crimes? How are democracy, freedom and liberty used as key terms to promote ideologies of tyranny and ignorance?

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