The Secret Teachings 5/9/18 – Collective Associated Assumptions: Food & Environmental Ego (Wednesday)

FOOD EGO Too often we identify with jobs, creeds, nationalities, income, social status, the city we are from, sexuality, and even food. Many of us have a food identity whereby we classify ourself as vegan, vegetarian, meat-eater, pescetarian, etc., along with a list of strange associations such as gluten-free, raw, paleo,…

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The Secret Teachings 9/9/17 – Disaster Porn: Fires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes & Solar Flares, Oh My! (Saturday & Sunday)

Fires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Solar Flares, Oh My! If we focus on maps or graphs of increasing temperature, zoomed in to rising measures, it can be stated that “temperatures are increasing” or that there is “global warming.” Contrarily we find the same if we focus on the line of temperatures decreases,…

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